XMS cc Apps

Africlock 1.16
XMS cc
The AfriClock app is a time logger making use of QR codes, NFC tagsor manual clocking. It may be used as a standalone app or as partof a larger system, complementing our Windows-based time andattendance plus payroll application. When used in standalone mode,it allows you to e-mail clocking data using the Share function onyour phone. When used in conjunction with our Windows-based timeand attendance system, you can set it up to automatically uploadclock data to our website, where the Windows-based time andattendance application will pick up the data. Copy this into yourbrowser for information about our time & attendance and payrollsystems: http://www.africlock.co.za If you enable GPS, the app willalso log coordinates for each transaction, allowing the user tolocate the record on Google Maps, to ensure that the clockingoccurred in a proper location (not at the workman's house, forexample). You may blacklist certain employees, e.g. those who haveresigned or who may have been dismissed. When used in conjunctionwith the Windows application, employees whose services areterminated for whatever reason, will be automatically added to theblacklist. Copy and paste this into your browser for the usermanual: http://www.africlock.co.za/AndroidManual.pdf